Sunday, December 19, 2010

Roller Coaster Tycoon

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Dunno why, but had a random urge to go play one of my old favorites - Roller Coaster Tycoon. It's rather old, but it's still fun. It's just lucky that it runs (with proper compatibility settings) on my laptop as I haven't had much luck installing the expansions. Also lucky that the original was always the most fun. :P

If you've never played this game and get a chance to, I highly recommend it, especially if you are a fan of simulators. The main goal is complete the various scenarios in the parks the game gives you (such as "Have 200 guests and a park rating of 600 by October 31 Year 1") but it's also a lot of fun for just building roller coasters and watching the little people be morons - a bit like Sims in that regard.

And yes, the people in this game are quite stupid. One thing you should make sure to remember is to never make paths that are more that one square wide. Why? Because people will get lost on them. Seriously. They just wander around in circles. But it's quite funny to do on purpose even if a bunch of lost guests is horrible for your park rating.

Another thing to keep in mind is to never let your Handymen mow the grass. Yes, your employees are just as stupid as your guests and if you let them mow the grass THAT IS ALL THEY WILL EVER DO. Of course, this doesn't apply in parks without grass, but that's a small minority. Sad thing is, I've never even found a use for mowing the grass. Fortunately, handymen are the only employees with such a problem.

Here's a fun screenie. Though under normal circumstances your guests will object to paying $12 for anything, when it rains they WILL pay that much for an umbrella. Sure it's mean, but it's a pretty easy way to get that starting loan payed off. :P

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