Sunday, February 12, 2012


I've had an idea off and on for years now.  It's not uncommon to make a blanket by making one 12" square every month, and at the end of the year you have enough for a decent sized afghan/blanket.  But I've always thought it would be cool to make a blanket out of squares that represent every day of the year.  Do I think I'd stick with it?  Of course not.  I have a project attention span of about 2 weeks...if I'm lucky.

But I can't get the idea out of my head for some reason.  Just think, a blanket based off of the calendar.  Each square has the date embroidered onto it and perhaps an applique of something relating to that day.  Then all the days sewn up into months and the months sewn up into a year.  Perhaps even little headers for each month.  At the end of the year you'd have a blanket that represented the year exactly.  Like a diary that keeps you warm.  You could look at it and go "Oh, that was the day I was late to work but I saw a rainbow on the way in so it made it seem better" or "Wow, was it really that long ago that I finished that sweater?"

Thankfully for my sanity, I never seem to remember about this idea at the beginning of the year.  It wouldn't be that bad to catch up a day here or there, but a whole month would be tricky since you would have already forgotten what seemed most important that day.  I would love to do it some day.  I've even worked up a "chart" for 2013 so I could see where there'd have to be blank filler places (hey, some months are five weeks long, it happens).  Eh...someday.

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