Sunday, July 1, 2012

Homeless in the Big City - A Sims 3 Saga (part 5, FINALE)

The time had come.  After some apartment searching, the couple decided on one downtown.

Woohoo, no longer homeless!

The End

Sorry, there's really not a lot to say about them moving into an apartment.  Needless to say, the story is over now that they are no longer homeless.  I do intend to continue playing this family, getting them married and probably having a kid or two.

About the apartment - this was actually the cheapest apartment available at the time, a bit over §4k, and even so it struck me as perfect for their needs.  Not too big, not too cluttered.  I might add that they had earned over §7k before moving in, so I think they'll be fine.  Willow in particular still has a decent amount of royalties coming in, and I do tend to continue having her write, though of course with more focus on the pair's lifetime goals.  I think I'll get Jacob an actual job even.

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